Tuesday, August 11, 2009

after long not updating this site

"just writing"

today at school
nothing much
many chinese student did't come
and my hyperactive friend"azmul munir" did't come either
because his shulder was badly injured
actualy it's been 3 week he did't come to school
after he injured his shoulder in the fakarudin cup..
but nevermind he's a strong will boy" i guese :p"
early in the morning we(my class mate) were shock because of our
class time table been change..
we don't no our school techer were long gone
but my friend got the new timetable from who(don't no)
and it not change much at all.
\just a several subject..

the fun thing about today is
about our new english teacher who replaced
our original techer who is in a holyday for some reason
his name is FAKARUDI(i hope the spelling is right)
i prefer to call him mr.rudy (lol)wkakakaka
well he tech us in whole difrent way than other english teacher
well he ask us to draw cartoon faces in our exercise book
this is the first time that i'm doodling in my exercise book with teaceher permision...
but over all it just fun learning for him

p/s sory for the lame language :p


.lemon. said...

ily mr fakarudy ! :)
dy ajaq best .