Saturday, August 22, 2009

JuSt WrItIng (2)


The most delicate object in the universe
Is undoubtedly the human heart
If touched the right way it
Could create a life of joy
Yet if the wrong button is
Simply scraped the effects
Are potentially devastating
Once broken this object
Can not be mended
Oddly enough the organ
That gives you life
Will cause the most pain
As long as it beats
The emotional scar will heal
Yet never be forgotten
To control your heart
Must control their mind
Control their beliefs
One must be able to embrace pain
Allow it to run its course
To fight pain is a battle you will never win
A tear could cure the most serious situation
But first you must allow yourself to cry
Come to terms with your pain
And embrace it
Let it run its natural course
Only then will you be
In full control again
So protect your heart
Listen to your heart
Learn from your heart
Become a stronger individual
Become a stronger man
Or lady